So, it was one of my first days at Woodrow
and I had to go to the restroom during class. But there were like, no signs. So
I just randomly walked around the school. I didn’t know where the bathrooms
were. Then I finally found a bathroom and walked in there. Then there were guys
coming in too. Then I realized, I had walked into the boys’ bathroom. They
started laughing, too. It was really embarrassing. I just sprinted out and went
back to class. I never went to the restroom again.
[Sophie] Have you
never gone to the restroom at school?
I do, but then I ask
someone where the girls’ room is.
[Sophie] Are there
signs at your school in Germany? Saying like, “Here’s the girls’ room.”
There are signs
saying, “Here’s the girls’ restroom.” But here, there is nothing! And they all
look the same.
[Sarah] They do have
signs! Above the door!
Yeah, well.
-Paula, Legal Grounds